Thursday, November 02, 2006

why not every day?

I can only imagine that Halloween was a slightly different cultural phenomenon when Jello Biafra sang about it on the 1982 Dead Kennedy's record (Plastic Surgery Disasters, which is scarily NOT first on the google results). If Halloween were every day, the number of sluts in the nation would octuple. Coverage in the news media has focused on how slutty Halloween costumes are. Some recent articles I've read have made a point that Halloween is time to let your "inner bad girl" out.

I have often been a fan of the slutty costume. Not every year (I've gone as a mechanic - NOT a sexy mechanic - and an acid casualty) but often. This year, I definitely rocked the slut.

I went as Raggedy Annie Sprinkle. I brought titprints to hand out, though mine didn't turn our nearly as well as hers. Perhaps I can chalk that up to experience (being a first-time-tit-printer and all). Scott went as Raggedy Anton LaVey. (shown here with Chris Farley)

Saturday was the annual Compound Halloween party - So Much Fun!
I hope that some of the eighty-million people who took my picture will email them to me.

By Tuesday, I was not up to rockin' that dress again. I felt grateful to whatever laws of physics I bent and didn't want to press my luck. (I somehow managed not to have a nip-slip for the 10 hours i was out wearing that dress, thank you physics) So Scott & I dressed up as goths and went to Capitol Hill. Not a tremendous stretch. but a costume, none the less. Then I put on Dan's groucho glasses.

The weather was cooperative this year - no rain to speak of until after all good children should be home anyway.

I'm totally sick of people now, though. I am planning on hermiting-up until November 25th, when I will see all you at Hooverville.

1 comment:

andy said...

damn, you said it was boobilicous, but i had no idea it was like that.