Saturday, June 17, 2006

revisionist history

It was all whirlwind, heat & flash...
I was in Rome for the first ever flash-neurosurgery event.
He was giving a symposium at the Facism in Food conference.
we didn't look back.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

It was an awesome weekend. So awesome that I couldn't talk about it till now.

Scott's birthday party was phenomenal - everyone dressed up & behaved well, and ate good food and really rocked out the cheer. Daniel's Flickr set is here, my Flickr set is here. It was a kissyface party.

Update, in response to CMC's comment. We had a full dinner, we cooked for about 50 people. There were leftovers. Grilled veggies, 2 kinds of BBQ chicken (one traditional BBQ sauce, the other in a kaffir lime & champagne white BBQ sauce), non-traditional kimchee (more like spicy coleslaw than fermented napa leaves), peruvian-style potato salad, plain corn, crab-infused corn and white bean pate... NO cake, though. It was an oversight on my part. The fools who RSVP'd but didn't come are sad.

Next up - Junk Poker!